Frequently asked questions about ChatSentry

Is ChatSentry big server ready?

Yes! ChatSentry has been intensely tested and is optimized to support and process large quantities of players.

The plugin has been used on a network of ~5K avg. players and ran very well

Does ChatSentry support BungeeCord or Velocity?

Yes! Support is natively made for BungeeCord, but adapters like Snap can allow you to use the features on Velocity. ChatSentry can automatically sync config settings and player data with other ChatSentry instances across your network, as well as other synchronization abilities like cross-server admin notifier messages.

Note that ChatSentry is not fully a proxy plugin, meaning it must be installed not just on the proxy, but on all Spigot/Paper/etc. servers as well. Adding the plugin to your proxy creates a bridge allowing for cross server communication between ChatSentry instances on your network

Are players' messages ever shared externally for processing?

No, your chat messages never leave your server and are processed on the server locally.

What versions and server types does the plugin support?

ChatSentry has been tested and is compatible with servers running Spigot, Paper, & CraftBukkit on versions 1.8 to 1.20+

Other types and versions may work, however, minimal to no support will be provided for directly related issues on unsupported server types or versions.

Is ChatSentry compatible with all chat plugins?

There is no guarantee that ChatSentry will work with every single chat plugin, though it's highly unlikely there will be any conflictions with regular chat modification plugins. Meaning, ChatSentry should work just fine along other chat-based plugins like DeluxeChat, EssentialsChat, LegendChat, etc.

ChatSentry is saying I'm running an outdated version, but I'm running the latest release. How do I fix this?

This issue will resolve on its own within a few hours. Spigot's API (used for checking for new updates) refreshes every 2-6 hours, meaning if you updated within 6 hours of the update being released, Spigot just takes a bit of time to tell ChatSentry that it is the latest version.

After the new update has been released for 2-6 or more hours, ChatSentry will automatically detect it's running the latest version and fix the incorrect version status tag.

I have a feature I'd like to suggest to be added to the plugin, what's the best way to get in touch?

I am always open to suggestions for any of my plugins, and many of the existing features are related suggestions from others like you! You can contact me either on my Discord Server, or by starting a conversation with kixmc on SpigotMC.

Is ChatSentry legit? Can it really do what it claims?

Yep! Though its new, ChatSentry is on its way to becoming one of the most widely used chat filtration and protection plugins ever made.

All ratings can be viewed here: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/79616/reviews

Is there a test server available?

There is not currently a test server available. Luckily, you can learn the plugin inside and out by reading through this wiki. Here's some great pages to start:

If you have any questions or concerns whatsoever, they will be happily answered!

Last updated

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