
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Auto Grammar:
# Converts players' messages to use proper capitalization, periods, and correct typos in chat and configured or all commands.
# Bypass permission: "chatsentry.autogrammar.bypass"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Should the first word of every sentence of players' messages be capitalized?
# Ignores capitalizing short messages such as "xD"
capitalize: true

# Should a period be added at the end of players' sentences?
# Ignores appending periods to short messages such as "xD"
add-periods: true

# Should typos on the below list be fixed with their replacements?
fix-typos: true

# These words will be corrected to the word after the " -> "
# Case doesn't matter in the words on the left side
# If one of the words on the left side is typed in all caps by the player, the right side translation will be converted to uppercase as well
  - "i -> I"
  - "alot -> a lot"
  - "cant -> can't"
  - "wont -> won't"
  - "wouldnt -> wouldn't"
  - "shouldnt -> shouldn't"
  - "couldnt -> couldn't"
  - "youre -> you're"
  - "ill -> I'll"
  - "ive -> I've"
  - "im -> I'm"
  - "id -> I'd"
  - "its -> it's"
  - "doesnt -> doesn't"
  - "dont -> don't"
  - "shes -> she's"
  - "hes -> he's"
  - "theres -> there's"
  - "theyre -> they're"

# IMPORTANT: The below list will only work if "process-commands" is true in config.yml
# The below list is which commands the module will apply to. It's recommended to only set these to your private messaging commands.
# Set the list to "affected-commands: []" to apply the module to ALL commands (highly not recommended!)
# Make sure to only include base commands; don't add any command arguments. (spaces)
  - "/tell"
  - "/t"
  - "/msg"
  - "/w"
  - "/r"
  - "/whisper"
  - "/w"
  - "/pm"

Last updated