
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command Spy:
# Shows players real-time commands to admins. Commands can optionally be whitelisted or blacklisted. Does not require "process-commands" in the main config to be enabled to function.
# To receive notifications, op or the permission: "chatsentry.commandspy" is required.
# Players with op or the permissions: "chatsentry.commandspy" & "chatsentry.commandspy.toggle" can toggle their commandspy notifications off and on.
# To make a player or group exempt from having their commands sent to players with command spy permission, add "chatsentry.commandspy.exempt" to their permissions.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# If false, all commands will be "spied" on except for ones starting with the blacklisted ones. If true, only commands that start with any of the whitelisted ones will be "spied" on.
use-command-whitelist: false

# Commands that start with any of the ones on below on this list won't be sent to players with commandspy permission.
# Set to "commandspy-command-blacklist: []" to have an empty list.
# Make sure to put a "/" before any commands on the list below or the list will not work properly.
# Only add base commands; don't add any command arguments. (spaces)
  - "/blacklistedcommand"

# If use-command-whitelist is enabled, only commands that start with any of the words on the below list will be sent to players with commandspy permission.
# Set to "commandspy-command-whitelist: []" to have an empty list.
# Make sure to put a "/" before any commands on the list below or the list will not work properly.
# Only add include base commands; don't add any command arguments. (spaces)
  - "/tell"
  - "/t"
  - "/msg"
  - "/w"
  - "/r"
  - "/whisper"
  - "/w"
  - "/pm"

Last updated