Commands (and their permissions)
Core Commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Permission |
/chatsentry | cs, kcs, csentry | Base command for ChatSentry. All other commands are subcommands of this command. | None |
/cs help | - | Shows ChatSentry's commands. | Only shows commands in which the sender has permission for. |
/cs author | - | Shows the author of ChatSentry. | None |
/cs resources | ? | Shows useful links related to ChatSentry for accessibility. | None |
/cs togglecommandspy | tcs | Toggle your commandspy notification preferences. | chatsentry.commandspy.toggle |
/cs toggleviolationnotifs | tvn | Toggle your violation notification preferences. | chatsentry.violations.togglenotifs |
/cs reload | rl | Instantly updates any changes made to the config. | chatsentry.admin |
/cs info | i | Displays which ChatSentry modules are enabled and some other core setting statuses. | |
/cs lookup | l | Look up and view violation data. You can apply filters to focus in on desired results. More info at the bottom of this page. | chatsentry.lookup |
/cs cleanlogs | / | Delete old violation log data older than X days (or all violations) to tidy up large amounts of logged violations. | chatsentry.cleanlogs |
/cs gendebug | / | Generates a debug file in the plugins directory containing useful information about the plugin. There's no use for this unless you're having problems with the plugin and kixmc has requested you to run it to help you figure out what the problem is. | Must be ran from console. |
/cs environment | env | Reports important system information and whether it's compatible / meets the minimum requirements with your version of ChatSentry | chatsentry.environment |
Standalone Chat Control Commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Permission |
/clearchat | cc | Instantly clear the chat. | chatsentry.clearchat |
/togglechat | tglc | Toggle everyone's* ability to chat. *without bypass permission. | chatsentry.togglechat |
Standalone Warning Commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Permission |
/cswarn | - | Give a player a manual warning. Punishments linked to auto punisher's manual warning configuration | chatsentry.generalwarnings.warn |
/cswarnings view | - | View all a players current warning data. | chatsentry.warnings.view |
/cswarnings parodnonemanual | pom | Remove one manually received warning from a player. | chatsentry.generalwarnings.manage |
/cswarnings parodonallmanual | pam | Remove all manually received warnings from a player. | chatsentry.generalwarnings.manage |
/cswarnings clearmodulewarnings | cmw | Remove module warnings from a player. Option to specify just one module, or all. | chatsentry.modulewarnings.manage |
Other standalone commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Permission |
/cslockdown | - | Manage server lockdown | chatsentry.lockdown.toggle chatsentry.lockdown.manageexempt |
Last updated