# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Core in-game messages sent by ChatSentry can be modified here.
# All lang entries support colorcodes (&[colorcode]) and hex values with "&#hexvalue" if you're running MC 1.16 or above. Easily find hex values with Google's color picker tool:
# You can set ANY lang strings to "" to disable them.
# You can use '{PREFIX}' to insert the 'message-prefix' value any lang strings.
# To insert line breaks, you can use '{NL}'.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# For player names in block notify messages you can use:
# {PLAYER} - player username
# {PLAYER_DISPLAYNAME} - player display name with its original colors
# {PLAYER_DISPLAYNAME_STRIPPED} - player display name stripped of its original colors
# Below is the message sent to ops or players with the notify permission when ChatSentry blocks a message.
notify-msg: "&7(&b{VIOLATION_TYPE}&8 - &b{CONTEXT}&7) &c{PLAYER} &7typed: &8'&c&o{BLOCKED_CONTENT}&8' &7(Full message: &8'&c&o{ENTIRE_MESSAGE}&8'&7)"
# Under some circumstances some modules cannot display the exact content that was blocked. The message below will be used if the exact content cannot be displayed.
no-content-notify-msg: "&7(&b{VIOLATION_TYPE}&8 - &b{CONTEXT}&7) &c{PLAYER} &7typed: &8'&c&o{ENTIRE_MESSAGE}&8'"
# Under some circumstances some modules use custom formatted messages that doesn't apply to the usual format. The message below will be the format for the custom notifications.
custom-notify-msg: "&7(&b{VIOLATION_TYPE}&8 - &b{CONTEXT}&7) &7{NOTIFICATION}"
# The 3 below nodes are used instead of the above ones if network.enable is true in config.yml
notify-msg: "&d{SERVER_NAME}: &7(&b{VIOLATION_TYPE}&8 - &b{CONTEXT}&7) &c{PLAYER} &7typed: &8'&c&o{BLOCKED_CONTENT}&8' &7(Full message: &8'&c&o{ENTIRE_MESSAGE}&8'&7)"
no-content-notify-msg: "&d{SERVER_NAME}: &7(&b{VIOLATION_TYPE}&8 - &b{CONTEXT}&7) &c{PLAYER} &7typed: &8'&c&o{ENTIRE_MESSAGE}&8'"
custom-notify-msg: "&d{SERVER_NAME}: &7(&b{VIOLATION_TYPE}&8 - &b{CONTEXT}&7) &7{NOTIFICATION}"
join-reminder: "{PREFIX} &bReminder: You currently have ChatSentry's violation notifications off. To turn them back on, type &d/kcs tvn"
trigger-repeated: "{PREFIX} &cAs to be mindful of others, please use less repeated letters/symbols in your messages to avoid chat flooding"
trigger-too-long: "{PREFIX} &cYour message was blocked because it floods chat; please refrain from sending large messages as to be mindful of others"
trigger: "{PREFIX} &7You are not permitted to use prefixed commands from that module. Your command was run without the prefix."
# Use actual new lines (- "text") instead of {NL}
- "&fToo many players are trying to login right now."
- "&fPlease try again in a few minutes!"
# Use actual new lines (- "text") instead of {NL}
- "&cYou're relogging too fast!"
- "&r"
- "&7Please wait &e{SECONDS} seconds &7before connecting again."
notification: "&7(&bAnti Relog Spam&7) &c{PLAYER} &7was disallowed logging in; relogged too fast (on &c{SECONDS}s &7cooldown)"
trigger: "{PREFIX} &cIn effort to reduce chat flooding, please don't copy others' messages"
trigger: "{PREFIX} &cPlease move before using chat; this is to prevent spam bots!"
trigger: "{PREFIX} &cPlease be mindful of others in chat by using less CAPS in your messages!"
trigger: "{PREFIX} &cToo speedy! Please wait a bit before chatting again"
# For player names in commandspy format you can use:
# {PLAYER} - player username
# {PLAYER_DISPLAYNAME} - player display name with its original colors
# {PLAYER_DISPLAYNAME_STRIPPED} - player display name stripped of its original colors
format: "&7{PLAYER}&8: &7&o{COMMAND}"
trigger: "{PREFIX} &cMessage blocked: '&4{BLOCKED_CONTENT}&c' is potentially a link or ip that is not allowed in chat"
trigger: "{PREFIX} &cIn effort to reduce chat flooding, please refrain from repeating the same (or similar) message again so quickly"
singular-message-spam-trigger: "{PREFIX} &cYour message was blocked because it was identified to contain spam-like content"
trigger: "{PREFIX} &cASCII lookalike unicode is strictly prohibited in chat"
trigger: "{PREFIX} &cYour message contained '&4{BLOCKED_CONTENT}&c' and was blocked. This kind of language/topics are unsuitable for this server; please read the &4/rules &cto ensure you follow them!"
message-prefix: "&6[&e&lChatSentry&6]"
no-permission: "{PREFIX} &cYou are not permitted to do that."
# Block message header & footer: sent before/after any block messages from modules.
block-message-header: "&8&m----------------------------------------------------"
block-message-footer: "&8&m----------------------------------------------------"
on-cooldown: "Cooldown"
link-or-ad-block: "Link/AD"
message-filter-block: "Filter"
spam-block: "Spam"
unicode-character-block: "Unicode"
cap-limiter-block: "Caps"
anti-parrot-block: "Parroting"
anti-chat-flood-block: "Chat Flood"
anti-statue-spambot-block: "Statue Spambot"
anti-join-flood-block: "Join Flood"
chat-executor-match: "Chat Executor"
chat: "Chat"
command: "Command"
anvil: "Anvil"
book: "Book"
sign: "Sign"
join: "Join"
other: "Other"
toggled-on: "{PREFIX} &bServer lockdown is now only allowing &a{MODE} &bplayers to connect. Run /cslockdown to disable it."
toggled-off: "{PREFIX} &bServer lockdown &cdisabled&b: allowing &aall non-banned &bplayers to connect"
already-off: "{PREFIX} &bLockdown is already off. To turn it on, specify a mode after /cslockdown"
exempt-list: "{PREFIX} &bThe following usernames are explicitly exempt: &a{LIST}"
no-exempt: "{PREFIX} &bThere are no defined exempt players. To add one, use /cslockdown add <username>"
exemption-added: "{PREFIX} &bUsername &7'&a{USERNAME}&7' &bhas been added to the exemption list"
exemption-removed: "{PREFIX} &bUsername &7'&a{USERNAME}&7' &bhas been removed from the exemption list"
unknown-remove: "{PREFIX} &7'&a{USERNAME}&7' &bis already not exempt"
already-exempt: "{PREFIX} &7'&a{USERNAME}&7' &bis already exempt"
toggled-on: "{PREFIX} &bYour command spy notifications have been turned &a&lon&b."
toggled-off: "{PREFIX} &bYour command spy notifications have been turned &c&loff&b."
toggled-on: "{PREFIX} &bYour violation notifications have been turned &a&lon&b."
toggled-off: "{PREFIX} &bYour violation notifications have been turned &c&loff&b."
chat-cleared: "{PREFIX} &bChat has been cleared by {PLAYER_DISPLAYNAME}&b."
bypass-notif: "&7&oYour chat wasn't cleared because you are exempt."
chat-toggled-on: "{PREFIX} &bChat has been &aenabled&b by {PLAYER_DISPLAYNAME}&b."
chat-toggled-off: "{PREFIX} &bChat has been &cdisabled&b by {PLAYER_DISPLAYNAME}&b."
chat-is-toggled: "&cFailed to send message: chat is currently disabled."
# For player names in the below messages you can use:
# {PLAYER} - player username
# {PLAYER_DISPLAYNAME} - player display name with its original colors
# {PLAYER_DISPLAYNAME_STRIPPED} - player display name stripped of its original colors
# {CURRENT_WARNS} - current general warning count
# {MAX_WARNS} - maximum general warning count
been-warned: "{PREFIX} &cYou've received a warning from &4{PLAYER}&c. &7(&c&l{CURRENT_WARNS}&8/&4&l{MAX_WARNS}&7)"
warnings-were-pardoned: "{PREFIX} &bYour admin-given warnings have been cleared by &3{PLAYER}&b."
warning-was-pardoned: "{PREFIX} &bOne of your admin-given warnings has been pardoned by &3{PLAYER}&b. &7(&c&l{CURRENT_WARNS}&8/&4&l{MAX_WARNS}&7)"
# For player names in the below messages you can use:
# {WARNER} - warner player username
# {WARNER_DISPLAYNAME} - warner player display name with its original colors
# {WARNER_DISPLAYNAME_STRIPPED} - warner player display name stripped of its original colors
# {WARNED} - warned player username
# {WARNED_DISPLAYNAME} - warned player display name with its original colors
# {WARNED_DISPLAYNAME_STRIPPED} - warned player display name stripped of its original colors
# {CURRENT_WARNS} - current general warning count
# {MAX_WARNS} - maximum general warning count
warned-broadcast-message: "{PREFIX} &4{WARNED_DISPLAYNAME} &cwas warned by &4{WARNER_DISPLAYNAME}&c. &7(&c&l{CURRENT_WARNS}&8/&4&l{MAX_WARNS}&7)"
# For player names in the below messages you can use:
# {PLAYER} - player username
# {CURRENT_WARNS} - current general warning count
# {MAX_WARNS} - maximum general warning count
warned-player: "{PREFIX} &3{PLAYER} &bhas successfully been warned. &7(&c&l{CURRENT_WARNS}&8/&4&l{MAX_WARNS}&7)"
all-warnings-pardoned: "{PREFIX} &bSuccessfully cleared &3{PLAYER}&b's admin-given warnings."
pardoned-warning: "{PREFIX} &bSuccessfully pardoned one of &3{PLAYER}&b's admin-given warnings. &7(&c&l{CURRENT_WARNS}&8/&4&l{MAX_WARNS}&7)"
# For player names in the below messages you can use:
# {PLAYER} - player username
# {MODULE_NAME} - name of the module
cleared-module-warnings: "{PREFIX} &bSuccessfully cleared &3{PLAYER}&b's {MODULE_NAME} warnings."
cleared-all-warnings: "{PREFIX} &bSuccessfully cleared all &3{PLAYER}&b's warnings."
module-warnings-were-cleared: "{PREFIX} &bYour {MODULE_NAME} warnings have been cleared by &3{PLAYER}&b."
# For player names in the below message you can use:
# {PLAYER} - player username
all-warnings-were-cleared: "{PREFIX} &bAll your warnings have been pardoned by &3{PLAYER}&b."
# Command messages
usage: "{PREFIX} &cUsage: /cswarn <player>"
manual-warns-disabled: "{PREFIX} &cManual warnings are disabled."
invalid-player: "{PREFIX} &cInvalid player: '{INPUT}'. Note that the player must be online to warn them."
player-exempt: "{PREFIX} &c{INPUT} is exempt to warnings."
reached-max: "{PREFIX} &c{INPUT} has reached the maximum configured manual warnings and cannot be warned again."
usage: "{PREFIX} &cUsage: /cswarnings {ARG} <player>"
cmw-usage: "{PREFIX} &cUsage: /cswarnings {ARG} <player> <'all' or module-name>"
detailed-usage: "&cInvalid command usage! Usage:"
pardon-note: "&7Note: Pardons only apply to warnings received via /cswarn"
couldnt-fetch: "{PREFIX} &cFailed to fetch UUID for '{INPUT}'. Either the account does not exist or you are being rate limited (requested too many UUIDs from Mojang too quickly)"
no-data: "{PREFIX} &aFound no active warnings."
no-modules: "{PREFIX} &cNo modules have warnings enabled in the auto punisher configuration."
no-warnings-found: "{PREFIX} No current warnings found for &3{INPUT}"
no-warnings-found-for-module: "{PREFIX} No {MODULE} warnings found for &3{INPUT}"
invalid-module: "{PREFIX} &cInvalid module name: '{INPUT}'. Remember to separate the name by dashes (-)."
# Kick message shown when only known players are allowed to join
- "&6&lWe'll be back soon!"
- ""
- "&eThe server is currently only open to players who have played before"
- ""
- "&fPlease check back later, thank you for your patience!"
# Kick message shown when only exempt players are allowed to join
- "&6&lWe'll be back soon!"
- ""
- "&eThe server is temporarily closed, please check back later"
- ""
- "&fThank you for your patience!"
Last updated